Don’t want to leave, but we both know sometimes it’s better to go. Somehow I know we’ll meet again. Not sure quite where and I don’t know just when. You’re in my heart, so until then... wanna smile, wanna cry, saying good-bye.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


i love you colette, i really do. sigh

Saturday, February 13, 2010

How It Came To This?

Why Why Why! must it happen? Why must eileen says the past of me to Col? Why must she say until i'm so bad that col has a changed opinion of me, now everything seems to be getting to a stop already. Why must this happen Again and again! If You Know This is gonna happen, why wanna let me know her in the 1st place?! WHY!? You Shouldn't have let me know her!IF Eileen can say me till i'm so bad, isin't she herself bad? And Doesn't everyone have flaws? why cant we be forgiven and forget the past and start anew. sigh!. Things changes overnight, it's so true, now it's stated we're good friends thats all. Does she really meant what she say? i feel superbly hurt, and its chinese new year in liek 1 days time? wTf! i dont have the mood for anything, shiitty SHIT! since last week, our relationship seems to be goin down and i DONT WANT IT TO GO DOWN! sigh, why must failure come find me again , can't it even let me succeed after so long?

am i not good enough for any girl? am i the worse guy a girl can have? WHY!
what am i supposed to do now, i don't wanna give up, but everything seems to be making me give up. argh! stupid life, stupid NS, stupid everything. fuck!

love hurts and it hurts super badly each time it falls! grr!

guess im not the right guys for you, im neither skillful nor clever. im never a good guy! fuck this life shaun fuck it!